Treatment and types of Soft tissues in Horse

Soft Tissues Injury Types and Treatments in Horses

Soft tissue injury is one of the most common injuries that a horse can face. If we talk about athletic horses, unfortunately, they have more chances of getting a such injury. A soft tissue injury is challenging to diagnose and manage, so a horse takes more time to overcome this situation.

It is essential to diagnose soft tissue injury in your horse; otherwise, it may lead to big problems. After a soft tissue injury, your horse may look fine, but it will cause lameness for months or years. It can also force an athletic horse to retire, so we can say that prevention is the best treatment for such kinds of injuries in your equine.
Types of Soft Tissue Injuries:

A horse can face different types of soft tissue injuries, so you must be familiar with them before diagnosing any injury and its treatment. Following are a few examples of soft tissue injuries your equine can face in any life span.

1. Muscle Injuries:

Muscle injuries are a significant source of causing poor performance and lameness in equine due to stepping the wrong way or falling. If your horse is experiencing sensitivity to palpation, lameness, or muscle swelling, you should consult with Vet immediately.

2. Ligament Injuries:

Ligament injuries are also related to soft tissues injury as they are elastic soft tissue structures that connect bones with joints. Ligament injury occurs due to an excessive force placed on the joint of the equine that may be due to turning at speed.

3. Tendon Injuries:

Tendons attach muscles to the bones of the equine, and such injury occurs mainly during exercise, especially if horses are on the unlevel ground or jumping at speed. This injury can be minor with minimal fiber damage, and it can also be a significant injury that will result in complete tendon rapture.

Natural Treatment for Soft Tissue Injury with Supplements:

Horses are always at risk of injury because of their routine. So if your horse is facing a soft tissue injury, you should go for natural treatment with supplements to boost the recovery process. Nutritional support plays a vital role in the recovery of soft tissues and will also provide the proper strength to your horse to overcome this situation.

Restriction in inflammation is necessary to recover your equine from soft tissue injury. So it is recommended to add omega-3 supplements to the nutrition of it.

Equinety Ultimate OEC is the best natural product for any horse facing a soft tissue injury because it contains natural Vitamin E, Colloidal Silver, and Flaxseed Based Omega 3. This product is ideal for supporting the joint health of your equine and boosts the immune system.

Equinety Ultimate OEC has an anti-inflammatory formula that will help replenish the repaired cells, and your horse can recover faster. This formula also provides maximum support to the immune system of horses, which results in more stamina and healthy joints.

Equinety Horse XL is another natural product for horses facing soft tissue injury because it contains 8 amino acids necessary for the smooth performance of your horse and recovery from injuries.

Amino acids are crucial if your horse is facing a soft tissue injury because they help in cellular repair and the creation of proteins in the body. Muscle tissues and organ tissue injuries can cure naturally with the help of this product.

You can combine both products mentioned above to make a perfect natural supplement for your equine that will help speed the recovery process for soft tissue injury and provide your horse with what it needs. This supplement is ideal for all types of horses, irrespective of their job, as it contains all types of necessary ingredients that will help in fast recovery and a robust immune system.

Treating Knee Injuries in Horses:

If your horse is experiencing a knee injury, you should treat it immediately. Otherwise, it will take time to complete recovery. Pain and swelling in the knee of the horse is the main symptom of a knee injury, so if your horse is facing difficulty in movements of joints, then you should consult a Vet because there are more chances that this difficulty is due to soft tissue injury.

Give proper rest to the knee of the horse; apply ice on the knee as it will reduce swelling. A compressive bandage will help in providing comfort to the horse.

Use a natural supplement like a combination of Equinety Horse XL and Equinety Ultimate OEC for a speedy recovery from any kind of knee injury. These products contain omega 3, amino acids, and other necessary ingredients required for the cellular repair and boosting of the immune system of horses.

Soft Tissue Injury Recovery Time for Horses:

Proper rest and a balanced diet with some natural supplements are necessary for recovery from soft tissue injury. Add a natural supplement like Equinety Horse XL and Equinety Ultimate OEC to your equine’s nutrition to reduce the horse’s recovery time.

If your equine is facing a primary soft tissue injury, it may take up to six months to complete recovery. If we talk about the average time required to recover from soft tissue injury, it will take 3 to 4 weeks to overcome this situation with the inclusion of natural supplements in the horse diet.

Tendon Injuries in Horse:

Tendons attach the muscles to the bones of horses, and they are one of the most common soft tissue injuries in horses. Your horse will experience heat, swelling, and inflammation, and a tendon injury can end the athletic career of equine, so they should be treated immediately.

Consult a Vet for the proper diagnosis of tendon injury, and you can confirm the severity of the injury through an ultrasound scan. In all kinds of tendon injuries, the vets suggest controlled exercises. You can also add natural supplements like Equinety Horse XL and Equinety Ultimate OEC to the horse’s diet to speed up recovery.

Related Guides for You:


1. How to reduce swelling in horses’ legs?

If your equine is facing swelling in the legs due to any kind of soft tissue injury or excessive work, exercise then apply horse leg ice packs as they will help reduce swelling. A proper bandage will also be beneficial for providing comfort to swollen legs of the equine. Your horse will recover quickly from swelling of the legs if you include a natural supplement like Equinety Horse XL in its diet.

2. Why does soft tissue take long to heal?

A soft tissue injury will take a long time to heal, even if your horse undergoes aggressive therapies. You must think about at least 4 to 6 months for the complete recovery of the horse. Your horse has to go through the inflammation, regeneration, and remodeling stages to complete recovery, which is a long process.


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